
Biology PSI Society Homeworld Language Background Notes


The Melarian are a race of mammals that reproduce by laying eggs. After a complicated courtship the female Melarian raises the offspring. Only by exception the male partner is allowed to participate. This has to do with the caste system that shapes Melarian society throughout. More about that later in this document.

An average Melarian is always a unique creature. Some races appear very homogeneous but this is not the case for the Melarian. Each individual has a unique colour, shape, weight, length, etc. Melarian scientists explain that this is caused by the differential gene that allows for the genetic makeup of the Melarian to be both extremely flexible in the area of individuality while it limits this individuality through a set of genetic rules. These rules limit this diversity in individuals to maintain reproductive abilities to ensure the survival of the species.

So, what we encounter on Melaria, as the homeworld is called, is a species where each individual is so different in appearance that many aliens species get confused! This is the power of the Melarian; to have so many specific shapes that flexibility has become not a factor depending on e.g. planetary circumstances, seasonal influences or other external factors, but the real time differential gene allowing for immediate evolution.

The Melarian are so to speak, the incarnated evolutionary adaptability. Let us describe three well known characters of Melaria as an example.


The Melarian have no psi abilities of any type. Intensive research by many castes has revealed this. The evidence is supported by alien research.


This guide will try to give an overall impression on Melarian social structures.

Caste System

The most obvious system are the castes of which there are very many. Castes evolve around families or groups of families as well as individual characteristics and professional skills. But what really makes it even more complex are the combinations possible. The image shown reveals 5 main levels. Each of these levels have a number of subclasses, defining the social status of an individual. The vertical columns are clusters of different types of castes. Please find a short list of them below. These are among the most important. An individual is born into a caste and learns the skills mastered by that caste. Castes can be families or groups of families as well as profession based castes.

When he successfully passes his exams, he may work and live in his caste or decide to transfer to another to learn the skills taught there. After his training, he will need to pass the new exams to be able to progress in society.

At first, one must horizontally progress. In the lowest classes that means at least two steps, presented by the numbers on the levels. Every blue line means an opening to the next level. It is possible to learn more skills before entering a new level, but that is not necessary. The route that is taken is important. This has to do with the positioning of the castes. It is strictly defined which caste is more important than another, as can be seen in the middle column, where an elite group of castes exist. So, when someone enters the next level in the lowest classes at the left side, he must proceed right. He will need to learn the skills of 3 castes before being able to progress to the lower medium classes.

In some classes it is easier to get to a next level than in other classes, as can be seen by looking at the numbers. Any progress upwards must be through the nearest portal, with the minimum of new experiences set for each level. This rule exist because no Melarian is allowed to enter a column inward without learning the skills that belong to those columns of castes. It is entirely up to the individual to choose what caste to enter within a column.

After many years of hard work, a Melarian might feel happy to remain in the class he is in at that time. He will then use his skills to be a teacher or to become a specialist in one or more professions.

Reasons are personal or politically correct. Individuals usually return to the caste they were born into, Melarians are very proud about their heritage. It is not uncommon that someone is better at another castes specialisation than their own members. This results in rivalry and competition, thus improving the Melarian way of life. All inventions come from this rivalry.

Melarian High Council

If a Melarian is intelligent and works hard, one may become a member of the Melarian High Council. They are the global government. In this council the Elite Column and many important castes are represented. Together, they have the skill, intelligence and authority needed to make a very stable ruling body. The progress system filters everyone out who does not deserve a seat in the Council. Still, a member of a small relatively unimportant caste may become the highest leader in the Council, the 'Verger`. The Melarian Caste system is a very smart method for progression in the field of science and expansion. It is a fair system but very complex!

Caste List

There are many more. Each caste has special markings on their clothes so that they can be recognised. This is done by coloured dots, squares and triangles on the most visible spot on their bodies. (See picture) These markings explain exactly almost everything about an individuals place and ranking in Melarian society. Lower rankings must obey higher rankings but that depends partly on column and class, skill and caste of birth.


Melaria is a large planet with a mild climate. It orbits a hot white star but is relatively far from that star. It has 2 large moons. A beautiful spot is the continent of Merdana. This is a large island continent and home of the Melarian Echobird. This smart flying creature repeats every sound it regards as a sound made by natural enemies to confuse them. Though they are not extremely rare, they can be 'spoiled`. If it encounters Melarians or visiting aliens, it will quickly repeat whatever it hears them saying. The birds are exported and can be found in many outworldish restaurants (eating facility), waiting rooms and other public places where individuals need temporary entertainment. Their brains are highly specialised in learning words.

The large seas are quite unexplored. Most ships never return if they sail too far from land. Satellite research suggest a large 'sea dragon` that attacks ships for unknown reasons.

Another visiting area is Rolharian, a small continent where the Melarian Ostoprad lives. The Ostoprad is a very large creature that lives partly below the surface. It feeds on minerals and it stays at one spot all its life. if it dies, it leaves a sphere perfectly round that can be used for housing and make excellent storage rooms. This rock hard material is widely used as building material throughout the galaxy but only the Melarian themselves have the craftsmanship to use it in spaceship building.

Because of the size of the planet, the deep equatorial forests have not been thoroughly examined. The Melarian have chosen to search for suitable planets for colonisation before overcrowding their homeworld. There are many touristic facilities for aliens. These are run by aliens as Melarians get confused because they never know how to act to those who have no distinctive colour markings.


Language is based on the rules set long ago by the many cultural castes and therefore the basic grammar has stayed the same for millennia. The Cultural castes keep a close eye on change but do not try to suppress changes. Melarians think changes are good. The language is easy to learn and UTD's (Universal Translation Devices) usually have Melarian as a standard setting. Name giving is another mark that confirms an individuals status.

Let's take the 3 above mentioned Melarians.


Legend says that this world once was inhabited by an ancient intelligent race. Many ruins have been dug up. Where this race went, no one knows but it is said that they will return someday. Without a doubt there are riches beyond imagination lying hidden deep within the equatorial forests.

There is a saying that many aliens know but few know that it is a Melarian expression. "I am not a woman, I am a caste member. When I lay eggs, I give birth to society." Another one is "Echobird echobird". And that is said when two alien individuals say exactly the same thing at once.

See Also:

Collins Encyclopedia Galactica - All Contents © Eddie Collins , Chris Page & Rob Asumendi